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My Paintings

All of my paintings are done in acrylics and portray different stages of my life including battling cancer.

Prints can be ordered framed and bordered for an extra £10, and vary in size from A5-A2.

A5 - £15, A4 - £20, A3 - £25, A2 - £30


Original pieces and commissions vary in price dependant on subject and size. Please private message me for more information.


A5 cards of all the paintings can also be ordered for £2 per card.

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Bring Light in the Dark - Acrylic painting


White horses are often used in movies to depict the heroes charging into battle, I have used this to depict how amongst the darkness within the world everyday heroes should bring about love.

Another example is how, when the sun comes out, it brightens up everybody's moods!

With Brave Wings She Flies - Acrylic Painting


When diagnosed with my third brain tumour aged 22, I had to learn to trust. I have a strong faith and God had brought me through much worse, including a stroke in the past aged 17, however, I also had to learn to trust the doctors looking after me, my family and friends looking after me and remain positive throughout. 

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Breakthrough - Acrylic Painting


I used a photo I took of a wave on on one of Cromer's beaches for this painting and I loved how one wave can include so many shades of colour!

I particularly like how the wave is beginning to crash and fold over itself, inspiring me to name the painting 'breakthrough'. The term breakthrough reminds me that all our problems eventually right themselves in the end and I believe God unfolds his incredible plan for us around these barriers and builds us up in the process.

Business as Usual - Acrylic Painting


This painting was one of my first abstract paintings. I wanted to depict the everyday rush of life on an abstract street. The colour blue is used to emphasise the rainy scene in London - rain usually makes us move much faster to get to dry areas, therefore, I felt this added to the 'busy' atmosphere within the picture.

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Childlike Wonder - Acrylic Painting


This painting was inspired by the young artist Akiane Kramarik.


"To enjoy life to the fullest, continue to see the world as fearlessly as a child sees it - in all it's innocence, curiosity and wonder" - Steven Hawking

Faced with many battles as a result of cancer, I have learnt to have a childlike faith. I had to just trust that God would and will keep providing and supporting me through each trial. 

I also look at the world with wonder, how intricate are butterflies and how majestic are the mountains high! - it fills me with that childlike excitement and fascination!

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Dance through the Fire - Acrylic Painting


I wanted to portray how I have learnt to remain positive throughout life's trials in this painting. 

No matter what life throws at you 'learn to dance in the fire'!

Because I have a strong faith, I have learnt to worship my Heavenly father in the midst of battles and this fills me with an overwhelming sense of peace!




Daydream - Acrylic Painting


This painting was done as part of a commission by a local coffee shop that wanted a variety of paintings based on coffee! 


I wanted to capture the relaxed, dreamy feeling that is experienced in the morning whilst sipping a warm cup of coffee - particularly on cold, rainy mornings. Therefore, I felt that by painting the rain running down the window, it made the coffee and the indoor atmosphere feel even more cosy!

Father - Acrylic Painting


I feel that a fatherly figure is so important in this modern age and I wanted to capture that tender bond between the father's protective, strong hand and a child's delicate hand. The protective nature of the father is portrayed in the way that the hand covers and shelters the child's hand encased within. 

The painting also reminds me that God is holding my hand too, therefore, through the highs and the lows He will protect me!

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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Pen and Ink


This drawing was made over a couple of weeks and reminds me of just how intricately made our individual bodies are! Not only humans but all of the many animals, plants and structures within our world and universe! 

We are all uniquely beautiful and we should love that!


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First Day in Heaven - Acrylic Painting


Both of my Grandmas have now passed away and I really miss them, however, I was reminded that in heaven they are free from pain and filled with a neverending joy when they meet their saviour! It is therefore, a celebration and I will join them in the future! It is not goodbye, but rather, 'see you later!'

I wanted to depict the joy experienced when they meet their maker and saviour for the first time face to face! This joy is emphasised by the stars and rainbows surrounding the figures.

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Have Faith My Child - Acrylic Painting


I have experienced three lots of cancer in my life and these have had devastating effects on my health including loss of peripheral vision, hearing loss and a stroke. It seemed that my future had been crushed when I had to change courses at university, had my driving license revoked and had learn to walk again (to name a few). However, I have kept my faith that God will get me through, and this year I graduated with a 2:1 despite being extremely dizzy and I am excited about what adventure comes next with my Heavenly Father!


Intimacy - Acrylic Painting


In this painting I wanted to capture the unconditional love a parent has towards their children. At this stage in their lives a parent has to guide their children and help them learn the ways of the world. Children are dependent on their parents and I wanted to portray this by painting the child being carried by the parental figure. 

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Journey - Acrylic Painting


This painting was made prior to my first journey abroad on my own. I planned to travel to Australia for two months and visit my cousins who live out there. I felt like a baby bird leaving the nest as I had to be completely independent. As swallows have to travel extreme distances independently too, I thought that would capture the massive journey I was going to take from England to Australia.  

'The Journey Isn't Over' - Acrylic Painting


The journey to Australia made me realise that I shouldn't let my illness get in the way of my dreams! This painting is of a boat anchored in a harbour, however, it is made for travel therefore, it will be taken on many more adventures and will not just be tethered up! 


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Just A Glimpse - Acrylic Painting


We only have a glimpse of the majestic wonders of the universe beyond earth and there is so much we haven't discovered! How awesome is our solar system and how tiny is our Earth in comparison! I believe that each one of us is uniquely made by the same creator! - how special are we that He has also considered forming us and giving us individual lives and futures!

Leap of Faith - Acrylic Painting 


Due my cancer, my life has often taken different directions and I now do not really know what my future holds! However, in every situation, even when it seems completely hopeless, God has broken through and even brought about incredible blessings - for example, although my whole family are allergic to dogs, He has given me two Jack Russells that we don't even snivel at, to keep me company whilst I am house bound!? I have learnt to take giant leaps of faith and trust God with His incredible plans for my life as I know He is looking after me!

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Look towards the Sun - Acrylic Painting

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"Look towards the Sun and the Shadows    will Fall Behind You" - Acrylic Painting

Both of these paintings have the same message but were painted in different stages of my life. The painting on the left was made whilst I was undergoing a new cancer treatment in Florida known as Proton therapy. I was one of the first patients from England to trial this new treatment and had to trust the doctors looking after me. Whilst having the treatment I was very ill, however, I had to keep positive and looked towards friends, family and my Father in Heaven for support. In Florida, sunflowers are very common and a myth states that they turn their heads to face the sun as it travels across the sky. I therefore, used this idea to portay myself looking towards a bright future and remaining positive during the difficult times.

The image on the right was painted to remind myself to look towards God in times of trouble through prayer or worship, and as a result I have felt Him fill me with peace and joy as I place my fears into His hands! When I was nine I was diagnosed with my first brain tumour, and my mum gave me a little wooden boat with the "look towards the sun" quote printed onto its sails. I used this special moment to capture the message in this painting.

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My Anchor Holds Within the Veil - Acrylic Painting


This painting is based on a line from a song we sing at my church and it represents the trust we have in the truth that Jesus defeated death on the cross. In the bible when Jesus was crucified, the veil within the temple separating God's presence from us, was torn in two - we are now able to meet with God face to face, completely forgiven and free!!


Our Jack Russell Pip! - Acrylic Painting


This is a portrait of my wonderful Jack Russell Pip. In the photo she was sat on the lawn looking up at me! I wanted to capture the unconditional love dogs have within her expression and felt I achieved this through the light that is reflected in her eyes. 

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Dark time, Beautiful Moment - Charcoal study


I created this piece using charcoal to represent the pain and suffering of crucifixion. However, the significance of this event in history is so important in the way Jesus gave His life to save us from our sins so we could live with Him in heaven and have eternal joy without suffering, it becomes a beautiful moment as death itself is defeated!!

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Praise you in this Storm - Acrylic Painting


It is easy to worship God when life is going well, however, it is much harder to believe that He is near when times are tough. I have learnt that God is always near in our darkest moments and by drawing near to Him too, I have been comforted with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy! Looking back He has always brought me through times of dispair and I have become much stronger in my faith and character as a result!

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Prodigal Daughter - Acrylic Painting


This painting is my own version of the famous 'Prodigal Daughter' painting. It is special to me because I had the original painting by my bedside when I was nine in hospital and it reminds me that God is carrying me through the Storms! I have learnt to let go of all of my fears and doubts and just trust that God will carry me - He has an amazing plan for my life and will destroy or make all the plans of the enemy turn in my favour!

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Rest in Me - Acrylic Painting


This piece also portrays the same message as the Prodigal Daughter image (left). I have learnt to rest in the truth that God has an incredible plan for my life! I need to learn to sit in the boat and trust God to take me on His amazing journey! This painting is based on the story in the bible where Jesus and His disciples are caught in a storm, the disciples panic whilst Jesus is asleep on the boat! When Jesus wakes up He immediately calms the raging sea and reminds the disciples to trust in the Lord's protection!

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Risen King - Acrylic Painting


This painting was a commission I created for a local church for Easter. As death was defeated on the cross, Jesus reigns! I therefore, painted the reflection of a royal crown in the puddle underneath the Roman's mocking crown of thorns as a reminder of the beautiful sacrifice He made for us.

Season Change - Acrylic Painting


When I was first diagnosed with a brain tumour age nine, I remember my dad saying that God had given him an image of a girl dancing in a white dress, completely free from illness!

When I was seventeen, my tumour grew back and I suffered a stroke as a result. A girl at church came to me in my wheelchair and also gave me the same image she had from God - she believed I would dance again and be healed!

  Age 22, I flew to Florida for treatment for a third tumour. During this time we were given free tickets by the hospital to see Casting Crowns (a christian band) and learnt that the lead singer had had cancer and written a song about his healing - whilst they were playing this song, on a screen a girl was dancing in a white dress!? 

I am now 25 and although my tumours are still being monitored, they are benign and I am free from pain and dizziness! - I experience seasons of both hardship and joy but ultimately God is protecting me and I will be healed!

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Stand Tall, Be Beautiful - Acrylic Painting


As a result of both types of brain tumour, I have to take replacement hormones in the form of steroid pills and injections which make me put on weight very easily and consistently causes fatigue. I have also lost my peripheral vision and cannot hear in my left ear due to radiotherapy, and I cannot balance or run due to weakness on my right side (due to a stroke age 17). As a result, I often have days where I hate my body and have very low self esteem as I compare myself to my sisters and friends half my size.

This painting was created after God reminded me that He has made us in His unique and perfect way and loves us just as we are! We needn't worry about what the media portrays the 'perfect body' to be like. He looks at the heart and the beauty that shines from within! 

Echinacea stands tall and bright in gardens and I used this plant to remind us that we are all uniquely beautiful and that we should stand tall and love ourselves! Be confident in yourself and don't let enemy lies destroy your beauty both outside and within! 


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